The gold standard of cigars celebrates the gold anniversary.
Tabacalera Garcia is a massive cigar factory in the Dominican Republic where a ton of the best cigars in the world are produced. This factory produces a staggering number of cigars, and they have also been at the forefront of a lot of innovations in growing and production that’s ensured they stay at the top of their game. It’s no wonder the brand is still going strong on their 50th anniversary, and no wonder the cigars released to commemorate this achievement are some of the best you’ll ever try.
Crafted by only the most skilled rollers, the Montecristo Cincuenta is a fitting tribute to the Tabacalera de Garcia’s 50th anniversary. The Nicaraguan filler includes a proprietary Pilotico leaf, secured by a Dominican binder and Ecuador Sumatra wrapper. Coming in just one 6” x 50 toro size, this beauty is perfectly smooth and exhibits medium bodied notes of vanilla, coffee, and subtle spice. The piano-finish, humidor-quality box will catch your eye, and the taste of the cigars will leave you wanting more, so stock up today before they’re gone!
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