Ramon Allones Cigars by AJ Fernandez
AJ Fernandez needs little introduction these days, making some of the very best cigars coming out of Nicaragua, his passion for cigar making shows in the outstanding blends he makes, cigar making runs deep in his blood and these days everyone wants AJ to make cigar for them.
The all new Ramon Allones is partnership with General cigar company, having AJ Fernandez produce and distribute this classic Cuban brand for the modern sophisticated cigar smoker. With AJ Fernandez at the helm the Ramon Allones is nothing short of perfection. The blend uses a rare Medio-Tiempo Habano Oscuro wrapper, along with a Corojo ’99 binder and a mix of aged Nicaraguan Criollo ’98 and Corojo ’99 long fillers. This medium to Full bodied smoke delivers an array of rich flavors which are balanced in perfect harmony with the blends strength, creating a full-flavored smoke producing notes of cedar and spice with a medium-full bodied strength profile. The Ramon Allones Cigars by AJ Fernandez is sure to be another hit from this master cigar maker.
Great news! Ramon Allones by AJ Fernandez just earned another stunning 92-rating and was honored as the #22 Cigar of 2021, along with its previous #25 Cigar of 2018, 92-rating. Here’s what the experts had to say: “Like many Fernandez cigars, the smoke is strong, showing a hearty mix of raisin and walnut notes with a tangy hint of cedar.”
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